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For over 60 years, Power Parents have trusted Pampers to help provide care for their babies. The healthy development of your baby is a responsibility that the brand takes to heart. Your baby’s safety also drives us to continue making better products to help keep your baby comfortable, happy, and active. Endorsed by The Skin Health Alliance and approved by Smart Parenting Moms worldwide, Pampers keeps your baby protected from the threat of rashes all throughout different seasons. Even on colder months, your baby can still experience kulob due to trapped heat in their diaper. To help ease Power Parents with their baby’s skin health worries, Pampers has released the NEW 2-in-1 Rash Shield earlier this year that has provided long-lasting protection to babies nationwide. Only Pampers Pants can keep babies all-around protected from rashes, now that the NEW Pampers Rash Shield protection is powered by Lotion with Aloe. This new variant of Pampers Pants with Rash Shield with ALOE has impr...