2 years ago you would not even see me leave our house without putting make up on. That is because I had pimple almost on my entire face and so to cover them up I used make up and was very dependent on it causing my face to have more pimples instead of less or none. I was so dependent to make up that I did not realize that skincare was important too. Lo and behold one friend introduced me to skincare products and treatments but I was hesitant at first since my idea of facials and other treatments comes together with the word "expensive". We went to a dermcare clinic and to my surprise it was affordable, I felt relaxed while I was at the place and enjoyed their services. Along with regular facials I bought a couple of their products to help me with my skin. Indeed, consistency is the key with your skin and months after months I am seeing the results and I was able to go out without make up again. I was confident with my skin and the pimples did not succeed in taking over ...